West Virginia Real Estate Commission
West Virginia Real Estate Commission West Virginia Real Estate Commission

Education Requirements for Licensure


Applicants for a salesperson license are required to complete ninety (90) clock-hours, equivalent to six (6) college credit hours, in a course(s) approved by the Commission.  The pre-license course must be approved by the Commission and offered by a Commission-appr​​oved Provider.  All course providers must follow the ​Salesperson pre-licensing course outline​ adopted by the Commission.The required course must have been completed during the five-year period preceding the date of the application in order to be accepted.

PearsonVU​E Website​

The ninety hours (90) prescribed course shall consist of: 

  •  30 clock hours- Real Estate Principles and Practice​

  •  20 clock hours- Real Estate Law​

  •  20 clock hours- Real Estate Finance​

  •  20 clock hours- Real Estate Appraisal

 To be eligible to seat for the licensing examination, the applicant must score 70% or higher in each subject area.   

​​​Broker/Associate Broker

Applicants for broker and associate broker license are required to complete one hundred and eighty (180) clock hours, equivalent to twelve (12) college credit hours, in courses approved by the Commission.  Broker/ Associate Broker candidates who hold a West Virginia salesperson license are required to complete ninety (90) clock hours of broker education in courses approved by the Commission.  The broker pre-license courses must be approved by the Commission and offered by a Commission-approved Provider for the broker course.​  All course providers must follow the Broker pre-licensing course outlineadopted by the Commission.  The required courses must have been completed during the five-year period preceding the date of the application in order to be accepted.

The ninety hours (90) prescribed broker course shall consist of:

  • ​30 clock hours- Brokerage Operation and Management

  • 25 clock h​ours- Human Resources Management & Interpersonal Skills

  • 35 clock hours- West Virginia Specific Real Estate for Brokers

To be eligible to sit for the licensing examination, the applicant must score 70% or higher in each subject area.

300 Capitol Street | Suite 400 | Charleston, WV 25301 | Phone: 304.558.3555 | Fax: 304.558.6442
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