West Virginia Real Estate Commission
West Virginia Real Estate Commission West Virginia Real Estate Commission


​​​​​The West Virginia Real Estate Commission is dedicated to ensuring that all candidates for a license and current licensees receive quality real estate education to help them lawfully perform their duties and protect the interest of the public in a real estate transaction.​

Here you will find information related to: 

  1. pre-licensing and continuing education​ requirements; 

  2. requirements for approval of schools and instructors to offer salesperson and Broker pre-licensing education; 

  3. list of the schools appro​ved to offer pre​-licensing education

  4. ​requirements for approval of continuing education providers, courses, and instructors; and

  5. ​list of CE courses​​ and Broker CE courses approved for each renewal cycle.   

300 Capitol Street | Suite 400 | Charleston, WV 25301 | Phone: 304.558.3555 | Fax: 304.558.6442
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