West Virginia Real Estate Commission
West Virginia Real Estate Commission West Virginia Real Estate Commission



Click on Licensing

Your broker needs to sign your license and circle "Inactive" for reason of return. You will need to fill out the Change of Broker/License Status Update form, checking the Inactive option. These documents can be emailed to the commission at WVREC@wv.gov.                                  You do still have to renew your license each year.

You will need to submit a ​Change of Broker/License Status Update form to the Commission with any required documentations and fees.

You will need to email, WVREC@wv.gov. The email will need to contain your name, license number, old address, and new address.

No, you must have a physical address. All Broker's MUST have a physcial address within the state of WV as of June 9, 2023.

Five (5) years from the date of completion.

You can renew your license on our website staring May 1. From the Home Page > Quick Links > Online License Renewal.

No. The renewal period begins on May 1 of each year. At that time, you can renew on our website. From the Home Page > Quick Links > Online License Renewal.

Please have the broker sign and return the license with a note to close the branch office.

You will need to mail in a Certificate of Licensure Request Form with a check, cash or money order in the amount of $20 made payable to the WVREC. OR you can request it online. The link is located in the Quick Links box on our home page. 

Certificates of licensure are processed every Friday. If you need these quickly, we recommend requesting them to be emailed to you rather than mailed.

Yes. You have to renew your license on time every year regardless of status. If you are renewing as inactive, you do not have to provide seven (7) hours of continuing education.

Yes! The link to submit your paperwork online, as well as pay your fee, is in the Quick Links box. It can be found on our homepage in the bottom left corner. We still take applications and payment through the paper mail as well. There is no over the phone option.

300 Capitol Street | Suite 400 | Charleston, WV 25301 | Phone: 304.558.3555 | Fax: 304.558.6442
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