West Virginia Real Estate Commission
West Virginia Real Estate Commission West Virginia Real Estate Commission

Initial Salesperson

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Requirements for a WV Salesperson License

​Applican​​​​ts must:

  1. ​Be 18 years or older and have a high school diploma or equivalent.

  2. Be trustworthy, of good moral character, and competent to transact business.

  3. Complete National Criminal Background Check​.


Qualifying to sit for Examination​

  1. Submit application for exam online. **We no longer accept paper applications** 

  2. ​Submit fingerprints for national criminal history check​.​

  3. Upload or include with online application:

    • ​Official Course Completion C​ertificate​​;

    • Copy of valid driver's license.

​​​​O​nce your application is approved, you will receive an email from the testing vendor​ to schedule your exam date. If you do not receive the email from the testing vendor within 72 hours, please contact the licensing department at REClicensing@wv.gov​.  Y​​ou have ninety (90) days OR two attempts (whichever comes first) before you have to resubmit an application to sit for the exam. ​

You have ninety (90) days to apply for a license once you pass the exams. Each pass certificate is good for ninety (90) days.

Do you need to apply to re-take the exam?​

After Passing the Exams​

  1. Complete the online application and upload the following: 

300 Capitol Street | Suite 400 | Charleston, WV 25301 | Phone: 304.558.3555 | Fax: 304.558.6442
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